High Court of AP- Gazetted- Sri B.Sai Kalyan Chakravarthi and Sri. G.Gopi, District Judges, were transferred and appointed as Officer on Special Duty against the vacat posts of Registrars in the High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Deputation cancelled- Repatriated to their earlier places - Esst Section - Dated 04.01.2020
High Court of AP - Declaration of Public Holiday on Monday, 06th January, 2020 on the occasion of Vaikuntha Yekaadasi, and the 29th day of February, 2020 as Court working Saturday to the High Court of Andhra Pradesh and the Offices working under the Administrative Control of the High Court- SO Section - Dated 03.01.2020
High Court of AP- Provisionally selected for oral interview in the written examination held on 16.11.2019 for appointment to the post of Court Master-Notice dated 23.12.2019.
National Judicial Academy, Bhopal- Nomination of Judicial Officers to participate in the South Zone-I Regional Conference- Orders - Issued, Spl Officer Section Dated-19.12.2019
Tender Notification - Priniting and Supply of " Multi Coloured laminated wall calendars, table calendars and pocket calendars of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh and Subordinate Courts for the year 2020"- Reg - Dated 18.12.2019
National Judicial Academy, Bhopal- Relief arrangments to the nominated officers to participate in the workshop at Bhopal - Orders - Issued, B.Spl Section Dated-16.12.2019
Recruitment Cell - Civil Judge ( Junior Division ) notified for the year 2019 - VIVA - VOCE Postponed to 26.12.2019 from 4:30 P.M onwords - Regarding- Dated 13.12.2019.
HIGH COURT OF A.P- Appointment of Four Principal District Judges as OSDs against vacant posts of Registrars in the High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Regarding- Dated 12.12.2019.
CALENDAR 2020 - Vacations, Public Holidays and Optional Holidays for the High Court of Andhra Pradesh and Offices working under administrative control of the High Court (A.P. State Legal Services Authority, Mediation and Arbitration Centre and High Court Legal Services Committee) for the year 2020- Notified- Dated 10.12.2019
CALENDAR 2020 - Vacations, Public Holidays and Optional Holidays for the Subordinate Courts in the State of Andhra Pradesh including Tribunals and Labour Courts under the control of High Court of Andhra Pradesh for the year 2020- Notified- Dated 10.12.2019
Tender Notification - Supply of following " Crokery itmes"- Reg - Stationery Section - Dated 10.12.2019
Tender Notification - Supply of " Craft Paper FS Size"- Reg - Stationery Section - Dated 10.12.2019
HIGH COURT OF A.P- Recuritment Cell- Civil Judge (Junior Division) 2019 -Written Examination Results -List of Eligible Candidates for VIVA-VOCE - Regarding- Dated 06.12.2019.
HIGH COURT OF A.P- HIMACHAL PRADESH STATE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION - Inviting the application for filling up of 01 (one) post of Member in HPSHRC - Willingness from the eligible officers - called for - Regarding- B.Spl- Dated 06.12.2019.
HIGH COURT OF A.P- Establishment - High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Assignment of Protocol Wing to Sri S.V.S.R.Murthy, Joint Registrar -Orders - Issued- Dated 29.11.2019.
Tender Notification . - Sealed Quotation for Supply of File Pads- Reg - Stationery Section - Dated 25.11.2019
HIGH COURT OF A.P- 1st A.P. Judicial Officers' Conference on Sunday, 01st December, 2019- Information to all District Unit Heads regarding date and venue of Conference- Dated 21.11.2019.
HIGH COURT OF A.P- 1st A.P. Judicial Officers' Conference on Sunday, 01st December, 2019- Fresh Delegate Registration Form- Dated 21.11.2019.
Public Services - APJMSS- Chief Administartive Officers of District Courts (Category-1)- Tranfers and Postings - Orderd- Dated 20-11-2019.
HIGH COURT OF A.P- Judicial Officer's Conference -Postponement of the conference-Information to all the Judicial Officers- Dated 19.11.2019.
HIGH COURT OF A.P- Nomination of certain DJs to attend the confidential work of High Court of A.P, Amaravati -Extended for one more day on 17-11-2019 -Orders- Issued-B.Spl Section Dated 18.11.2019.
HIGH COURT OF A.P- First State Level Judicial Officer's Conference under the aegis of the High Court of A.P on Saturday, 23rd November 2019- Delegate Registration Form- Dated 15.11.2019.
HIGH COURT OF A.P- Nomination of certain DJs to attend the confidential work of High Court of A.P, Amaravati -Extended for two more days from 16-11-2019 to 17-11-2019-Orders- Issued-B.Spl Section Dated 15.11.2019.
HIGH COURT OF A.P- Nomination of certain DJs to attend the confidential work of High Court of A.P, Amaravati from 14.11.2019 to 16.11.2019 (both days inclusive) - Orders- Issued-B.Spl Section Dated 14.11.2019.
HIGH COURT OF A.P- Nomination of certain DJs to attend the confidential work of High Court of A.P, Amaravati from 13.11.2019 to 15.11.2019 (both days inclusive) - Orders- Issued-B.Spl Section Dated 12.11.2019.
NJA, BHOPAL- Relief arrangements to the nominated officers to participate in the seminar at BHOPAL-B.Spl Section Dated 05.11.2019.
High Court of AP- Nomination of Sri G.Srinivas, Prl. District and Sessions Judge to participate in the Commendation Ceremony on 09.11.2019 at New Delhi being organized by NALSA -B.Spl Section Dated 04.11.2019.
High Court of AP- Examination date for the appointment to the post of Court Master-Notice dated 02.11.2019.
Senior Civil Judges - Promotions, Transfers and Posting of Senior Civil Judges - Orders - Issued- B.Spl Section Dated 31.10.2019.

High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Declaration of public holiday on 28th October 2019 On the eve of DEEPAVALI and the 21st day of December 2019 as court working saturday to the HIGH COURT of Andhra Pradesh- Notified. Dated 24-10-2019.

Transfers and Postings - Junior Civil Judges Transfers and Postings - Reg-B Spl, Dated 24.10.2019

Recruitment Cell - Notification issued by the High Court of Kerala for the post of District & Sessions Judge-Reg - recruitment cell- Dated 23.10.2019
Recruitment Cell - CIVIL JUDGE (JUNIOR DIVISION)-2019 - Downloading of Hall Tickets for written examination from 28.10.2019 to 10.11.2019 - Reg - recruitment cell- Dated 22.10.2019
Tender Notification . - Supply and Installation of 100 Monocrome Laserjet printers- Reg - Computer Section - Dated 19.10.2019
High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Declaration of 4th Saturday as holiday to the Officers and staff of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh, till 31.12.2019 - Notification - Issued. Dated 18-10-2019.
NJA,Bhopal - Relief arrangements to the nominated officer to participate in the programme at NJA, Bhopal - Orders Issued - B.Spl, Dated:15.10.2019.
Tender Notification . - Supply and Installation of Justices Clock(Video Wall/Electronic Display Board)- Reg - Computer Section - Dated 16.10.2019
VACATIONS- Dussehra Vacation, 2019- High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Sitting Arrangements -Notification- Issued Dated:10.10.2019.
District Judges- Transfers and postings - Reg-B.Spl Dated:03.10.2019.
Advertisement - Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, New Delhi, inviting applications for appointment to the post of Court Assistant,- Reg-Esst Dated:01.10.2019.
District Judges - Incharge arrangements to the newly Sanctioned 08 special courts (POCSOACT) in certain Districts - Orders - Issued- B.Spl, Dated:01.10.2019.
NJA,Bhopal - Relief arrangements to the nominated officer to participate in the programme at NJA, Bhopal - Orders Issued - B.Spl, Dated:01.10.2019.
Vacations - Dussehra Vacation, 2019 - High Court Andhra Pradesh - Sitting Arrangements - Notification - Issued - Reg-SO Dated:01.10.2019.
High Court of A.P- Promotions - Empannelment of 17Civil Judges (Junior Division) as Civil Judges (Senior Division) for the year 2019 - B.Spl, Dated.30-09-2019.
Recruitment Cell. - Ms.Pushpa Latha Nalliboina (H.T.No.001328) Permitted to appear for the written examination for recruitment to 38 posts of Civil Judge(Junior Division) - Regarding- Recruitment-27/09/2019
NJA, Bhopal. - Relief arrangement to the nominated officers to participate in the workshop at Bhopal-Regarding B.SPL.section at 25/09/2019
Workshop . - Relief arrangement to the nominated officers to participate in the workshop on 28/09/2019 at Visakhapatnam-Orders Issued-Regarding B.SPL.section at 25/09/2019
Tender Notification . - Binding/re-binding of the loose parts of various law books/journal of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh for 2019-2020- Reg - Judges Library - Dated 23.09.2019
High Court of A.P. - Guidelines for designation of Advocates as Senior Advocates- Reg - SO- Dated 23.09.2019
High Court of A.P. - Notification Calling for Designation of Senior Advocates- Reg - SO- Dated 23.09.2019
Recruitment Cell . - Results of Screening test held on 04.08.2019 for the post of Civil Judge( Junior Division ) Notified for the year 2019 - Reg - Recruitment- Dated 23.09.2019
Recruitment Cell . - Marks lists of candidates who have appeared screening test held on 04.08.2019 for the post of Civil Judge( Junior Division )- Reg - Recruitment- Dated 23.09.2019
High Court of AP. - Applications are invited for filling up of 21 vacancies in the post of COURT MASTER/PERSONAL SECRETARIES TO THE HON'BLE JUDGES AND REGISTARS (Gazetted) in the Andhra Pradesh High Court Service, by direct recruitment- Reg-Esst- Dated 23.09.2019
National Company Law Tribunal(NCLT)- Filing up of five (5) posts of Technical Member in the National Company Law Tribunal- Reg-B.spl- Dated 20.09.2019
13th FINANCE COMMISSION - Special Magistrate Courts - Postings of Special Magistrate - Orders - Issued- Reg-B.spl- Dated 18.09.2019
Basic Training - Nomination of Smt N.Sarada, JCJ, to participate in the training programme at Judicial Academy, Secundrabad- Orders - Issued- Reg-B.spl- Dated 18.09.2019
NJA, BHOPAL - Relief arrangments to the nominated Officer to participate in the programme - Orders - Issued- Reg-B.spl- Dated 18.09.2019
Junior Civil Judges - Transfers and Postings of Junior Civil Judges - Orders - Issued- Regarding - Reg-B.spl- Dated 17.09.2019
Recruitment - Information to the candidates applying for 6 (six) post of District Judge under direct recruitment (25% quota) issued vide Notification No.24/2019, dated 11.09.2019 - Regarding - Recruitment - Dated 17.09.2019
District Judges - Promotions, Transfers and Postings of District Judges - Orders - Issued- Regarding - Reg-B.spl- Dated 12.09.2019
HIGH COURT OF A.P- Notification for appointment of 6 (SIX) posts of District Judge (Entry Level) under direct recruitment - Regarding - Recruitment Cell- Dated 11.09.2019
HIGH COURT OF A.P- Notification for appointment of District Judges by promotion through a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (Accelerated Recruitment by Transfer - Regarding - Recruitment Cell- Dated 11.09.2019
Public Services- Transfers and Postings of Chief Administrative Officers of District Courts (Category-1)- Orders - Issued- Regarding - Reg-C Sect- Dated 06.09.2019
District Judges - Transfers and Postings of District Judges - Orders - Issued- Regarding - Reg-B.spl- Dated 06.09.2019
HIGH COURT OF AP- Filling up of further 17 vacancies in the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division) by promotion from the Civil Judge (Junior Division) for the the year 2019 - CALLED FOR JUDGMENTS Regarding- B. Spl - Section dated 04/09/2019.
HIGH COURT OF AP- Publication of list of eligible Officers for fillling up further vacancies in the cadre of Civil Judges(Senior Division) by promotion from the cadre of Civil Judge(Junior Division) -17 remaining vaccanies notified on 16/07/2019 Regarding- B. Spl - Section dated 04/09/2019.
Mediation and Arbitration Centre, High Court of AP- List of Advocates /Persons empanelled as Mediators to the High Court Mediation Center- Regarding Dated:-30.08.2019
National Judicial Academy, Bhopal- Relief arrangments to the nominated ADJs to participate in the workshop at Bhopal - Orders - Issued, B.Spl Section Dated:-30.08.2019
SPECIAL MAGISTRATE COURTS- Transfers and Posting of certain Special Magistrates - Orders - Issued, B.Spl Section Dated:-29.08.2019
National Judicial Academy, Bhopal- Relief arrangments to the nominated officers to participate in the workshop at Bhopal - Orders - Issued, B.Spl Section Dated:-26.08.2019
HIGH COURT OF AP- The following Senior Civil Judges are empanelled for promotion as District Judges (Entry Level) by promotion under 65% quota, for the year 2019.- Reg.B.Sp, Dated 22.08.2019
HIGH COURT OF AP- List of candidates selected for the post of Court Master and Personal Secretary to the Hon'ble Judges and Registrars, in the examination held on 10.08.19- Reg- Dated 22.08.2019
HIGH COURT OF AP- Recruitment of 11 vacancies of the Additional District and Sessions Judges in Haryana Superior Judicial Service issued by the High Cour of Punjab and Haryana- Reg- Dated 22.08.2019
HIGH COURT OF AP- Recruitment of 61 vacancies of the Uttar Pradesh Judicial Service issued by the High Cour of Judicature at Allahabad- Reg- Dated 22.08.2019
TENDER NOTIFICATION- To run canteen in the premises of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Reg- Dated 22.08.2019
High Court of AP- Appointment of Sri G.Manohar Redd, II Addl Distict and Sessions Judge(fast Track Court), Prakasam at Ongole as Secretary to Government, Law (L.A & J) Department , Government of Andhra Pradesh- Reg Dated.22.08.19.
High Court of AP- Change of 'SRI KRISHNAASTAMI HOLIDAY'-.
High Court of AP- Invitation of applications for the Post of Member (Law), Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh State Reg-B.Spl Dated 21.08.19.-.
High Court of AP- Altrenative Dispute Resolution and Mediation Rules, 2017.
High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Right to Information Act 2005 - Manual of Judicial Department(Pubilshed in terms of sections 4(1)(b) R.T.I.Act, 2005) and Rules- Regarding. Dated.16.08.19.

Training Programme Schedule- Advaced CIS 3.1 training programme for Judicial Officers cum Master Trainers to be held on 17-08-2019 and 18-08-2019, and also through web casting to all DSA, SO, SA and other concerned staff members of the subordinate courts in the state of A.P dated 14-08-2019.

Training Programme - Nomination of Ubuntu cum CIS Master Trainers and Ubuntu Master Trainers to participate in the training programme on 17.08.2019 and 18.08.2019 at High Court of Andhra Pradesh – Relief arrangements – Orders Issued – Regarding, B.Special Section, dated 09.08.2019.
District Judges - VIVA VOCE for Senior Civil Judges for the year 2019 on 13.08.19 and 14.08.19 - Regarding - Reg-B.spl- Dated 01.08.2019
Circular - Disposal of cases regarding daily disposal of Judicial Officers, not updating the daily disposals report through online - Certain Instructions- Reg- Dated 25.07.2019
District and Sessions Judges- Transfers and Postings of District and Sessions Judges - Orders- Reg-B.spl- Dated 25.07.2019
TENDER NOTIFICATION- Supply of Crockery items and one embossing machine - Reg- Dated 25.07.2019
Senior Civil Judges - Promotions, Transfers and Postings of Senior Civil Judges - Orders - Issued -B.Spl Section, Dated 23.07.2019
High Court of AP- Publication of Names of eligible Senior Civil Judges to be considered for the future Seven (07) vacancies of District Judges(Entry Level) under 65% quota for the year 2019- Reg.-B.Spl Section, Dated 23.07.2019
District and Sessions Judges - Transfers and Postings of Distric and Sessions Judges - Orders - Issued -B.Spl Section, Dated 22.07.2019
High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Extension of Five-day working week (from Monday to Friday) to all the Officers and employees of the A.P.Legal Services Authority, till the the end of Dasara Vacation 2019, with effect from 20.07.2019 - Notification - Issued. Dated 18-07-2019.
High Court of A.P- Promotions- Empanelment of 8 Civil Judges (Junior Division) as Civil Judges (Senior Division) for the year 2019 - B.Spl, Dated.18-07-2019..
Subordinate Courts- Civil and Criminal - Disposal of Old Cases - inclusion of 2014 cases - Directions to include the cases upto and inclusive of the year 2014 - Making 5+0 meaningful - Certain instructions - Reg- OP Cell, Dated.17-07-2019..
High court of AP- Filling-up of 41 posts of Court Masters and Personal Secretaries to the Hon'ble Judges and Registrars, by promotion/transfer in the High Court Service- Inviting applications from the eligile in-service candidates-Reg, Dated 17.07.2019
RECRUITMENT CELL- Instructions to the Writ Petitioners in view of the Interim Orders of the Hon'ble High Court for the post of Civil Judge (Junior Division) under direct recruitment notified for the year 2019- Reg.
RECRUITMENT CELL- Petitioners in I.A.No.1/2019 in W.P.Nos.9184, 9192, 9266, 9269 of 2019 who are not having three(3) years of practice as an 'Advocate' can also apply for the post of Civil Judge (Junior Division ) under direct recruitment notified for the year 2019- Reg.
High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Civil Judges (Senior Division) - Future vacancies in the cadre of Civil Judges (Senior Division ) by promotion from the cadre of Civil Judges (Junior Division) for the year 2019 - NOTIFIED, Dated 16.07.2019
High Court of Andhra Pradesh- District Judges (Entry level) - Filling up of future vacancies in the cadre of District Judges by promotion from the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division) under 65% quota for the year 2019 - NOTIFIED , Dated 16.07.2019
High Court of Andhra Pradesh- District Judges (Entry level) - Filling up of future vacancies in the cadre of District Judges by promotion from the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division) under 65% quota for the year 2019 - NOTIFIED , Dated 16.07.2019.
Transfers and Postings - Senior Civil Judge Transfer and Posting - B Spl, Dated 16.07.2019.
RECRUITMENT CELL- Petitioners in I.A.No.1/2019 in W.P.Nos.9132, 9139, 9140, 9142, 9148, 9153, 9158, 9166, 9164, 9169, 9168, 9170 and 9152 of 2019 who are not having three(3) years of practice as an 'Advocate' can also apply for the post of Civil Judge (Junior Division ) under direct recruitment notified for the year 2019- Reg.
RECRUITMENT CELL- Petitioners in I.A.No.1/2019 in W.P.Nos.8763 of 2019, 7934 of 2019 and 8692 of 2019 who are not having three(3) years of practice as an 'Advocate' can also apply for the post of Civil Judge (Junior Division ) under direct recruitment notified for the year 2019- Reg.
High court of AP- Quotations for Printing of Telephone Directory- Reg-J.Spl Section, Dated 11.07.2019
High court of AP- Publication of list of eligible officers in the cadre of Civil judges (Senior Division)- Reg-B.Spl Section, Dated 10.07.2019
High court of AP- Call for Judgments with regard to filling up of 14 vacancies in the cadre of DJ's by promotion from the cadre of Civil Judge (Senior Division) under 65% quota Reg-B.Spl Section, Dated 04.07.2019
Junior Civil Judges - Transfer and posting of Junior Civil Judges- Orders issued- Reg-B.Spl Section, Dated 10.07.2019
High court of AP - Directions to 3 JCJ's who are under going basic training at judicial Academy Secunderabad to attend the National lok Adalat on 13072019 at their respective stations in Srikakulam district - Orders issued - reg-B.Spl Section, Dated 10.07.2019
CIRCULAR - Courts - Criminal Cases -Bail Applications - Empowering the Additional District & Sessions Judges Courts and Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judges Courts functioning outside the District Headquarters- Reg-E-Section, Dated 10.07.2019
District Judges - Transfers and Posting of Distric Judges - Orders - Issued -B.Spl Section, Dated 04.07.2019
PUBLIC SERVICES- A.P.J.M.S Chief Adminstratrive Officers of District Courts (Category - 1) Transfers and Postings- Reg- Dated 03.07.2019
RECRUITMENT- State Judicial Service - District Judges by Recruitment by transfer (Accelerated) - Vacancies-Regarding-Recruitment- Dated 03.07.19
RECRUITMENT- State Judicial Service - District Judges by Direct Recruitment (Entry Level) - Vacancies-Regarding-Recruitment- Dated 03.07.19
NOTIFICATION- Mediation and Arbitaration Committee and Application Empanelment in the Panel of Mediators- Reg- Dated 02.07.2019
NOTIFICATION- Extension of Five-day working week (from Monday to Friday) to the staff of the High Court of Andhra PRadesh, till the end of Dasara Vacation, 2019- Notification- Issued-SO-Reg-Dated 28.06.2019
TENDER NOTIFICATION- Supply of "Kraft Paper Folders-100 GSM-STY- Reg- Dated 27.06.2019
TENDER NOTIFICATION- Rate Contract for Toner Cartridges for CANON printers and Fax machines of Canon L1170 & Brother Fax 2840- Reg- Dated 27.06.2019
TENDER NOTIFICATION- On-site Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Dell Inspiron 13 7000 series (Rotatable/Flip Model) ( with stylus compatibility)  High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Reg- Dated 21.06.2019
TENDER NOTIFICATION- On-site Annual Maintenance Contract for Ricoh SP 300DN Printers and for refiling of Ricoh SP300 DN Toner cartridges for the High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Reg- Dated 21.06.2019
Transfer and Postings - Transfers and Posting of Senior Civil Judges- Orders Issued - Reg-B.Spl- Dated 19.06.2019
VACANCIES- Vacancies in the cadre of District Judges (Entry Level) by promotion from the category of Civil Judges (Senior Division ) Under 65% quota for the year 2019, Notified - Reg-B.Spl- Dated 17.06.2019
BASIC TRAINING PROGRAMMES- Nomination of Junior Civil Judge of XXII and XXIII Basic Courses to undergo Part-I Institutional Training (Phase-2) for three months at the Academy i.e., from 01.07.2019 to 30.09.2019 and Part-II Mid Term Practical Training (Phase-2) for three months i.e., one month training at the Acadmy from 01.10.2019 to 31.10.2019 and remaining two months training at the respective District Headquaters from 01.11.2019 to 31.12.2019, along with 04 Junior Civil JUdges in various dates-ORDERS-ISSUED
HIGH COURT OF A.P- The Andhra Pradesh Gazette No.17, dated 13.05.2019 publishing the Code of Criminal Procedure (Andhra Pradesh Amendment) Act, 2018 relating to amendments to Section 441(1) and Form No.45 in the Second Schedule to Cr.P.C- Reg- Dated 14.06.2019
NOTIFICATION- Designation of Sri.S.Sriram, Advocate General for the State of Andhra Pradesh, as Senior Advocate- Reg-SO- Dated 14.06.2019
High Court of A.P- Appointment of Sri.D.Venkata Ramana, District Judge on OD as Registrar (Recruitment), High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Dated 13.06.2019
High Court of A.P- Appointment of Sri.S.V.Narasimha Raju, District Judge on OD as Registrar (Judicial) as Registrar (Management), High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Dated 13.06.2019
High Court of A.P- Appointment of Sri.T.Venugopal Rao, District Judge on OD as Registrar (Recruitment) as Registrar (Judicial), High Court of Andhra Pradesh- Dated 13.06.2019
High Court of A.P- Representation of the employees of the High Court for extension of five days working week - Declaration of holiday on 01.06.2019 (Saturday) for the Registry of the High Court, except Judicial Registry for the purpose of receving cases - Reg- Dated 31.05.2019
High Court of A.P- Staff attending the office work on Public Holidays - Dated 30.05.2019
TELANGANA STATE JUDICIAL ACADEMY, SECUNDRABAD- Training Programmes - Nomination of Ms.Vasanthi Anaparthi, II Addl District and Sessions Judge, Guntur, to undergo second phase of three months Basic Training in VII Foundation Course from 10.06.2019 to 09.09.2019 at Telangana State Judicial Academy, Secunderabad - ORDERS - ISSUED- Dated 29.05.2019

High Court of A.P- Declaration of holiday on 01.06.2019(Saturday) for the Registry of the High Court, except Judicial Registry for the purpose of receiving cases- Dated 28.05.2019

TRAINING PROGRAMME- Nomination of certain Judicial Officers to participate in the Advanced CIS Training Programme scheduled to be held on 08.06.19 - Reg- B.Spl- Dated 16.05.2019
TENDER NOTIFICATION- Purchase of 300 Iron Racks- Dated 08.05.2019
PUBLIC SERVICE - A.P.J.M.S- Chief Adminstrative Officers of District Courts (Category-1) - Transfers and Postings - Ordered-Dated 02.05.2019
e-Court Project - Advanced CIS Training for Judicial Officers cum -Master Trainer(Sri.D.Yedukondalu)- Reg -CPS,Dated 01.05.2019
e-Court Project - Advanced CIS Training for Judicial Officers cum -Master Trainer(Sri.B.V.L.N Chakravarthi)- Reg -CPS,Dated 01.05.2019
e-Court Project - Advanced CIS Training for Judicial Officers cum -Master Trainer(Sri.C.N.Murthy)- Reg -CPS,Dated 01.05.2019
e-Court Project - Advanced CIS Training for Judicial Officers cum -Master Trainer(Sri.G.Bhupal Reddy)- Reg -CPS,Dated 01.05.2019
HIGH COURT OF ANDHRA PRADESH- High Court of Andhra Pradesh to leave the office at 4.00 p.m on all working days during the month of Ramzan i.e., from 05.05.2019 to 04.06.2019-Granted , Dated 01.05.2019

VACATIONS - Summer Vacation,2019 - High Court of Andhra Pradesh -Sitting Arrangments-Notification- Issued- Reg -SO, Dated 01.05.2019

Called for Judgments from the eligible Junior Civil Judges for promotion as Senior Civil Judge for the year 2019 - Reg-B Spl,Dated 01.05.2019
Publication of List of eligible Junior Civil Judges for promotion as Senior Civil Judge for the year 2019 - Reg-B SplDated 01.05.2019
Transfers and Postings - Senior Civil Judges Transfers and Postings - Reg-B Spl, Dated 30.04.2019
SUMMER VACATIONS - Summer Vacation Permission for 12 days to all the Officers working in the cader of District and Sessions Judge in the State of Andhra Pradesh - GRANTED- Reg-B Spl, Dated 29.04.2019
VACATIONS - Summer Vacation 2019 i.e. from 06.05.2019 to 31.05.19 - Appointment of Vacation Civil Judges for the District in the State of Andhra Pradesh - NOTIFIED- Reg-B Spl, Dated 29.04.2019
Transfers and Postings - Junior Civil Judges Transfers and Postings - Reg-B Spl, Dated 26.04.2019
High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Resignation of Sri.K.Siva Rama Krishna, Retired District Judge- Reg-B Spl, Dated 25.04.2019
DISTRICT JUDGE - Sri.Dr. V.Radha Krishna Krupa Sagar, I Addl District and Sessions Judge, Guntur, appointed as Member Secretary, Andhra Pradesh State Legal Services Authority- Reg-BSpl, Dated:25.04.2019
TENDER NOTIFICATION- Tender Notification for Transportation certain articles Dated 25.04.2019
Circular - Submissions of Leave applications by the Judicial Officers - Certain instructions -Issued -Reg,Bspl Dated 24.04.2019
Junior Civil Judges - Posting of newly appointed Smt.U Madhuri as Junior Civil Judge -Reg,Bspl Dated 22.04.2019
High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Reginal Conference of Judicial Officers pay commission on 19.04.19 in Visakhapatnam - Nominations-Reg, Dated 18.04.2019
District and Sessions Judge - Transfers and Posting of Distric and Sessions Judges - Orders - Issued -B.Spl Section, Dated 18.04.2019
Senior Civil Judges - Transfers and Posting of Senior Civil Judges - Orders - Issued -B.Spl Section, Dated 18.04.2019
HIGH COURT OF ANDHRA PRADESH - Relief arrangements to the nominated officer to participate in the training programme at Visakhapatnam - Orders - Issued -B.Spl Section, Dated 15.04.2019
HIGH COURT OF ANDHRA PRADESH - Nomination of Spl Judge for trial and disposal of Commercial disputes (Commercial Court) Visakhapatnam to under go training on 17.04.2019 and 18.04.2019 at Visakhapatnam ROC.No.159/SO/2019- Reg, Dated 15.04.2019
CANCELLATION OF NOTIFICATION- Cancellation of Notification No.5/SO/2019- Reg, Spl Officer Sec, Dated 12.04.2019
 CIRCULAR - SUMMER VACATION PERMISSION, 2019 - Reg,B Spl Section Dated 09.04.2019
 HIGH COURT OF ANDHRA PRADESH - HOLIDAY - Declaration of General Holiday on 11.04.2019 (Thursday) in view of the General Elections to Lok Sabha and Andhra Pradesh State Legislative Assembly- Reg, Dated 08.04.2019
 DISTRICT JUDGES - Transfers and Posting of District Judges - Reg, B.Spl Dated 03.04.2019
 WORKSHOP- National Judicial Academy Bhopal - Nominational of Sri Moka Suvarna Raju, V Addl District and Sessions Judge, Allagadda, Kurnool District- Reg, Dated 02.04.2019
 NOTIFICATION -Designation of Senior Advocates - Reg, Dated 01.04.2019
 TRAINIG PROGRAMME- Deputation of Sri B.V.L.N.Chakravarthi, Metropolitan Sessions Judge-cum- II Addl District and Sessions Judge, Vijayawada, Krishna District as Master Trainer from the High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Reg - B.Spl Dated 28.03.2019
 RECRUITMENT- Vacancy postions in the category of District judge under Direct Recruitment of (25% Quota ) and Accelarated Recruitment by tranfer (10% Quota) notified for the year 2019 ,dated 28.03.2019
 TRANSFER AND POSTINGS of District and Sessions Judges - Regarding, B.Spl Section, dated 20.03.2019
Proceedings of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh - National Judicial Academy , Bhopal - Nomination of Sri A.V.Pardhasaradhi, Metropolitan Session Judge - cum - I Addl District & Session Judge, Visakhapatnam to participate in the academic programme No.P-1157 on "Refresher Court on PML Act", scheduled to be held from 23.03.2019 to 24.03.2019 at National Judicial Academy, Bhopal - Relief arrangements - ORDERS - ISSUED    
High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Implementation of Five-day working week(from Moday to Friday) to all the Officers and employess of the A.P.Legal Services Authority, till the end of 31.05.2019, with effect from 23.03.2019- Notification - Issued    
High Court of Andhra Pradesh -In Supersission of the earlier orders, allocation of the District to the Hon'ble Judges shall be as under,to be effiective from19.03.2019    
VACANCIES -Vacancies in the cadre of Civil Judges ( Senior Division ) for the year 2019, Regarding - Budget Section- Dt.08.03.2019..   
TENDER NOTIFICATION -Work for designing and preparation of multi colour Identify Cards with lanyards.- Budget Section- Reg..   
  NATIONAL JUDICIAL ACADEMY, BHOPAL - Relief Arrangements to the nominated officers to participate in the Workshop at Bhopal-B.Spl- Reg..   


  TENDER NOTIFICATION - Sealed quotations are invited for Supply of File Pads - Reg..   
  JUDICIAL SERVICE - Senior Civil Judge- Transfers and Postings - ORDERS - ISSUED.   

  JUDICIAL SERVICE - Senior Civil Judge- Transfers and Postings - ORDERS - ISSUED.   


  High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Appellate side Rules - Insertion of Rule 33 B(3) in Chapter III-A of High Court Appellate Side Rules - Approval of rule under Section 126 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 - Notification - Issued.   

  National Judicial Academy, Bhopal - Nomination of two Judicial Officers to participate in the Academic Programee No.P-1154 on "Orientation Programee for Junior Division Judges" to be held from 01.03.2019 - Orders - Issued.   

 Judicial Service - High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Senior Civil Judges - Transfers and Postings - Orders - Issued.   

 PROCEEDINGS - High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Placing of Full Additional Charge of the Post of Registrar(Vigilance)and Registrar (Enquiries)- Orders - Issued.   


 PROCEEDINGS - High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Gazetted - Appointment to the post of Registrar(Judicial), High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Orders - Issued.   


 PROCEEDINGS - High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Gazetted - Appointment to the post of Registrar(Administration), High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Orders - Issued.   

 PROCEEDINGS - High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Gazetted - Appointment to the post of Registrar(Protocol), High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Orders - Issued.  



 PROCEEDINGS - High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Gazetted - Appointment to the post of Registrar(Recruitment), High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Orders - Issued.  


 NOTIFICATION - High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Implementation of Five-day working week (from Monday to Friday) to all the Officers and employees of the Registry of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh, till the end of the Summer Vacation, 2019.   


 PROCEEDINGS - National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi - Nomination of two Judicial Officers, to participate in Two days Training Programme.   

 RECRUITMENT - In supercession of the Notification NO.5/2019-RC dated 06.02.2019- Notification No.5/2019-, dated 15-02-2019 detailing vacancy position in the category of Civil Judge ( Junior Division) for the year 2019 - Notified - Regarding-dated 15-02-2019.   




  TRAINING PROGRAME - High Court of Andhra Pradesh - Letter from the Joint Secretary, National Programee for Judicial Officers to be held on 23rd and 24th February, 2019 at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi on the theme " Judicaion Officers and Human Rights Issues and Challenges"    


 APHCLSC - Preparation of Panel of Advocate    

 DEPUTATION Andhra Pradesh State Judicial Service - District and Sessions Judge - appointment of Smt.M.Venkata Ramana Kumari, VIII Addl District and Sessions Vijayawada, Krishna District as Secretary, Andhra Pradesh High Court Leagal Service Committee on Deputation Basis - Relief arrangements - Ordered dated 06-02-2019.   
 REFRESHER COURSE - Nomination of Court Managers to participate in Refresher Course at Judicial Academy, Sec'bad - Regarding - Spl. Officers. Section,
dated 05-02-2019.

 RELIEF ARRANGEMENTS - Nomination of two DJs to participate in the Academic Programme No.P-1151 at National Judicial Academy, Bhopal - Regarding - B.Spl. Section,
dated 05-02-2019.

 TRANSFER AND POSTINGS of District and Sessions Judges - Regarding, B.Spl Section, dated 04-02-2019.


 PORTFOLIO JUDGES - Allocation of the Districts to the Hon'ble Judges w.e.f. 04-02-2019 - Regarding, dated 01-02-2019.   

 NATIONAL CONFERENCE - Nomination of Sri A. Satyanand, IV ADJ, Visakhapatnam to participate in the National Conference on Economic Offences - Emerging Dynamics and Dimensions" scheduled to be held on 16th & 17th Feb 2019 at TNSJA - Regarding - B.Spl Section, dated 01-02-2019.   

 TRAINING PROGRAMME - Nomination of Judicial Officer for XXVIII Orientation Course for a period of two weeks ie., from 11-02-2019 to 23-02-2019 at Judicial Academy, Secunderabad - Regarding, B.Spl Section, dated 01-02-2019.   

 NOTICE - National Lok Adalat to be held on 09-03-2019 - Regarding, A.P. State Legal Service Authority & High Court Legal Service Committee, dt: 28-01-2019.   

 TNSJA - "National Conference on Economic Offences - Emerging Dynamics and Dimensions" scheduled to be held on 16th & 17th Feb 2019 at TNSJA



 TRANSFER AND POSTINGS of Senior Civil Judges - Regarding, B.Spl Section, dated 22-01-2019.


 TRANSFER AND POSTINGS of Junior Civil Judges - Regarding, B.Spl Section, dated 21-01-2019.

 PROCEEDINGS Appointment of certain Selection Grade Scale District Judges to Super Time Scale District Judges - Orders - Issued - B.Spl. Section, dated 11-01-2019.


 TRANSFER AND POSTINGS of District and Sessions Judges - Regarding, B.Spl Section, dated 04-01-2019.


 Sankranthi Vacation Notification,Jan 2019- Regarding, Special Officer's Section, dated 04-01-2019.

 TRANSFER AND POSTINGS of Junior Civil Judges - Regarding, B.Spl Section, dated 03-01-2019.