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                    For better administration, the High Court of Andhra Pradesh had formulated standing orders in the year 2004
                    which are the guiding factors is running the administration in a better manner. The concept of ‘Standing Orders’
                    was initially introduced in the High Court of the Composite State of Madras.  After formation of the State of
                    Andhra Pradesh, the High Court began following the Standing Orders of the Madras High Court.  But, in
                    course of time, for the purpose of streamlining the various branches of the Registry, for ensuring rule-based
                    procedures to be followed, and for sound and ideal Administration, an attempt was made in the year 1992 to
                    evolve Standing Orders for the High Court of A.P.  In execution of this noble thought, a crew of Senior Officers,
                    took pains to visit each and every Section of the Registry and jotted down the ‘nature of work’ that was being
                    turned out therein and the ‘staff pattern’, and have brought out a Book on ‘Standing Orders’.

                    Subsequently,  much  water  flowed  under  the  bridge!    Several  new  Sections  cropped  up,  many  more  new
                    Categories of Cases came to be filed, and several new trends developed. Apart from, this introduction of
                    Computers and other Technology craft,  emphasized the need and necessity to specify the ‘procedures’
                    to be followed with regard to each and every facet of Judicial Administration.  Propelled by this element of
                    imminence, the Hon’ble the Chief Justice appointed, at higher level, a Committee of Hon’ble Judges, who, in
                    turn, nominated a Crew of Officers, including the Heads of the Registry, for framing Revised Standing Orders,
                    specifying certain norms too to be kept in mind while framing such rules.

                    Thereupon, a minute and meticulous study was made of each and every Branch of the Registry, followed by
                    intelligible interaction with all the concerned Staff and Officers, and a sincere endeavour was made to bring
                    out these Orders, not only as guidelines for the present and future incumbents, but also as measures of care
                    and caution!!

                    The set of Standing Orders is an ‘Encyclopaedia of Administration’.  It covers various aspects relating to the
                    Administrative and Judicial Wings of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh.     It is a guide for every Officer and
                    every Employee of High Court, indicating the procedure to be followed in handling the respective files.  It
                    prescribes various duties and responsibilities for various categories of Officers.  It also indicates the powers
                    to be exercised by the Officials of the Registry at various levels in streamlining the Administration and getting
                    it up-to- date.  It also indicates various types of Registers to be maintained by the respective Sections, and
                    discourages the age-old practice of ‘maintaining Files depending upon the memory of the concerned Officer
                    and Employees’. It is axiomatic that the Registers stand as ‘record of events’ for the purpose of verification
                    as and when necessary. Therefore, an endeavour is made in preparing the formats of certain new Registers,
                    and in listing all the Registers along with their Numbers in respect of each Section, for easy remembrance and

                    If any Employee or Officer fails to follow the procedure, prescribed in these Standing Orders, except on specific
                    directions otherwise by the Hon’ble the Chief Justice or the Hon’ble Judges, he/she is liable for necessary
                    departmental action.

                    i) FORMATION & STRUCTURE:  The High Court of Andhra Pradesh was constituted on 1  January 2019,
                    at Amaravati.
                    The High Court of Andhra Pradesh does not have ordinary Original Civil Jurisdiction.   Nevertheless, it is

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